Free and unbranded suite of forex and finance widgets, in HTML, fully customizable, embeddable and mobile-responsive, using the latest live market rates. The ideal solution to enrich the contents of finance websites and blogs!

Widget Features:

  • Fully customizable, style them using CSS to flawlessly match your financial site or blog.
  • Supports 24 languages. The widgets may be set to load on browser language, page language or a static language.
  • Auto-sizing and mobile responsive.
  • Compatible with any browser, fast loading speeds.
  • The most accurate forex and cryptocurrency calculations with live market rates.
  • Completely free and unbranded.

To embed any of the widgets below, simply click the embed button at the bottom left of the tool. You will be able to customize the widget and set your own styles. When you are happy with the configuration, copy the html code, and paste it into your project. Please feel free to contact us with requests.

Currency Converter Widget

An always updated, live interbank rate feed Currency Converter widget to accurately convert multiple currencies, including the conversion of the main cryptocurrencies to fiat currencies (uses live data from the main crypto exchanges).

You must enter a valid number
You must enter a valid number
1 Euro = 1.079 US Dollar 1 US Dollar = 0.927 Euro
Embed < /> Rates updated 1 minutes ago

Pip Calculator Widget

A precise pip calculator widget for cryptocurrency pairs, forex pairs, indices and metals, using live market rates, account base currency, lot size and traded pair for an accurate pip value calculation.

You must enter a valid number
You must enter a valid number

Position Size Calculator Widget

A must have calculator on any trader's toolbox. A precise position size calculator widget using live market rates to calculate the suggested lot size per trade based on the account equity and risk percentage.

You must enter a valid number
You must enter a valid number
Calculate lot size in MT4/MT5?
Lots (trade size) --
Units (trade size) --
Money at risk --
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Profit Calculator Widget

The best way to calculate how much profit a trading position can yield. Accurate profit calculator widget to calculate profits, or losses, the value in money and pips for a trading position using live market data, trade direction and the lots traded.

You must enter a valid number

Forex Rebate Calculator Widget

A precise forex rebate calculator widget to help traders calculate how much they can earn in cashback from their closed trading positions, on eligible asset classes and with any broker paying rebates.

You must enter a valid number

Risk of Ruin Calculator Widget

Precise risk of ruin calculator widget to help traders calculate accurately the odds of reaching maximal drawdown based on risk per trade and win percentage of a trading system.

You must enter a valid number
You must enter a valid number
Risk of peak-to-valley drawdown
Risk of ruin
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Drawdown Calculator Widget

One of the most important calculators on a strong MM strategy. A precise drawdown calculator widget to help traders calculate accurately how the trading account equity can be affected after a series of losing trades.

You must enter a valid number
You must enter a valid number
Ending balance 16,341.46
Total Loss 18.3%
Starting balanceTotal GainEnding balance
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Margin Calculator Widget

Accurate margin calculator widget to help traders determine how much account equity will be used to open a trading position, based on the lot size and trading account leverage. Uses live market rates.

You must enter a valid number

Compounding Calculator Widget

Watch the pennys grow! A precise compounding calculator widget to help traders calculate the trading account growth rate, by compounding the gains with a chosen win ratio/percentage per trade.

You must enter a valid number
You must enter a valid number
Ending balance 35,917.13
Total Gain 79.6%
Starting balanceTotal GainEnding balance
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Pivot Point Calculator Widget

Accurate and supporting multiple PP types, the Pivot Point Calculator widget is ideal to calculate with precision the next day pivot levels and the three levels of support and resistance of an instrument. Perfect for the Pivot Point trading strategy!

You must enter a valid number
You must enter a valid number
You must enter a valid number
Resistance 31,100
Resistance 21,050
Resistance 11,000
Pivot Point950
Support 1900
Support 2850
Support 3800
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Fibonacci Calculator Widget

One of the oldest concepts in securities trading - the Fibonacci levels strategy. Accurate Fibonacci Calculator widget to quickly and precisely plot the hypothetical Fibonacci retracement or extension levels of any financial instrument.

You must enter a valid number
You must enter a valid number
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Economic Calendar Widget

Be ready and stay updated with high-impact news events that can influence market volatility! An always updated and complete Economic Calendar widget to ensure that traders are always aware of important upcoming economic events, also useful for news traders.