OKX User Reviews

OKX is rated 4.5 out of 5 stars. Read 1 user reviews and verified customer reviews about OKX that are hand-moderated to detect fraud.

Human moderated by Jason Peterson

OKX User reviews

(1 )
Ranked 1 out of 607 (Cryptocurrency Exchanges)
This rating is based on 0 reviews by users that proved they are real customers of this company and 1 that did not. All reviews undergo significant human and technical moderation. Companies that get 30+ reviews by verified reviewers are scored only on their ratings by verified reviewers and get a green checkmark by their rating.

Newer user ratings have greater impact than older ratings and user ratings have no impact after 5+ years old. The more reviews a company receives, the higher the maximum possible aggregate user rating. After 100 reviews a company can receive the highest rating, which is an average of their user ratings.

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