FxPro User Reviews

FxPro is rated 4.0 out of 5 stars. Read 153 user reviews and verified customer reviews about FxPro that are hand-moderated to detect fraud.

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FxPro User reviews

(153 )
Ranked 73 out of 1736 (Forex Brokers)
This rating is based on 54 reviews by users that proved they are real customers of this company.All reviews undergo significant human and technical moderation.Companies that get 30+ reviews by verified reviewers are scored only on their ratings by verified reviewers and get a green checkmark by their rating.

Newer user ratings have greater impact than older ratings and user ratings have no impact after 5+ years old. The more reviews a company receives, the higher the maximum possible aggregate user rating. After 100 reviews a company can receive the highest rating, which is an average of their user ratings.

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30 November 2024
Verified reviewer
Location: Cyprus
Account types: cTrader, MT5, MT4 (Instant, Standard)
30 November 2024
Verified reviewer
One of the best out there.
16 July 2024
Verified reviewer
Location: Japan
Account types: MT4 (Instant, Standard), FxPro Edge, MT5, cTrader
16 July 2024
Verified reviewer
cTraderのチャートがフリーズする。正確なトレードができない。 意図的にサーバーをストップさせ決済できないように操作している。 絶対に利用してはいけません。

The cTrader chart freezes. You cannot trade accurately. The server is intentionally stopped and operations are performed to prevent settlement. You should never use this service.
12 July 2024
Verified reviewer
Location: Algeria
Account types: cTrader
12 July 2024
Verified reviewer

30 July 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: Germany
30 July 2023
Approved reviewer
FxPro offers a wide range of analysis tools, including technical analysis, news, and economic calendars.
16 July 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: Germany
16 July 2023
Approved reviewer
FxPro offers a wide range of trading instruments, including stocks, forex, and cryptocurrencies. However, some traders may find the available markets to be limited.
30 May 2023
Verified reviewer
Location: Thailand
Account types: MT4 (Instant, Standard)
30 May 2023
Verified reviewer
ฝากและถอนรวดเร็ว ใช้งานง่าย การบริการของ suppoert team ดีมาก ติดขัดปัญหาก็แก้ไขได้อย่างรวดเร็ว ประทับใจ

Deposits and withdrawals are fast, easy to use, the service of the suppoert team is very good. Even if there are any problems, they are quickly solved. Impressive.
5 April 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: Germany
5 April 2023
Approved reviewer
Ich arbeite sehr gerne mit FxPro

I really enjoy working with FxPro
5 April 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: Poland
5 April 2023
Approved reviewer
Jestem wręcz zdziwiony (pozytywnie) z tak dużego wyboru par walutowych. Prawie egzotyczny. Spread jest również bardzo konkurencyjny, a wykonanie na twardą 4. Zdarzają się poślizgnięcia, ale często też na moją korzyść. Ogólnie jestem zadowolony z warunków pracy i polecam tego brokera.

I am actually surprised (positively) by such a large selection of currency pairs. Almost exotic. The spread is also very competitive and the execution is a hard 4. There are slips, but often in my favor. Overall, I am satisfied with the working conditions and I recommend this broker.
7 March 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: United Kingdom
7 March 2023
Approved reviewer
I’d tried several brokers before I discovered FxPro. Spreads and services are on par with the brokers I’ve worked with before, but this company is much more stable and withdraws money without delays. What’s also nice is that they have a lot of cool education materials and analytics and demo accounts are very convenient. Also, I enjoy their cTrader platform. It's really great!
6 March 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: Malaysia
6 March 2023
Approved reviewer
FxPro ist ein sehr guter Broker

FxPro is a very good broker
6 March 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: Poland
6 March 2023
Approved reviewer
Od dłuższego czasu współpracuję z tym brokerem, stabilność i uczciwość utrzymują mnie tutaj . Usługa jest zawsze na topie i ciągle dodają coś nowego. Dla doświadczonych traderów, którzy nie zniechęcą się wielkością depozytu, jest to doskonały i niezawodny wybór.

I have been working with this broker for a long time, stability and honesty keep me here. The service is always on top and they are constantly adding something new. For experienced traders who are not discouraged by the size of the deposit, this is an excellent and reliable choice.
27 February 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: France
27 February 2023
Approved reviewer
Je négocie avec eux depuis longtemps, le courtier a fait ses preuves, je suis satisfait de la coopération. Récemment, j'ai également connecté un conseiller, également très satisfait. Il m'apporte un peu d’écus! Vous pouvez vraiment travailler avec ce courtier en un plus.

I have been trading with them for a long time, the broker has proven itself well, I am satisfied with the cooperation. Recently I also connected an advisor, also very satisfied. He brings me a few crowns! You can really work with this broker as a plus.
26 February 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: France
26 February 2023
Approved reviewer
FxPro n'a aucune restriction sur les échanges avec différents conseillers. J'ai utilisé des stratégies complètement différentes, à cet égard, il est très à l'aise avec eux. Le courtier est adapté au scalping, il n'y a aucun problème avec l'exécution des ordres. Je suis satisfait de cette coopération.

FxPro has no restrictions on trading with different advisors. I used completely different strategies, in this regard he is very comfortable with them. The broker is suitable for scalping, there are no problems with order execution. I am satisfied with this cooperation.
7 February 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: Germany
7 February 2023
Approved reviewer
Współpracuję z nimi od lutego - do tej pory nie było żadnych problemów. Mają świetną aplikację mobilną na androida - FxPro markets. Bardzo łatwy w użyciu. Łączy w sobie profesjonalne warunki handlowe z szybką realizacją zleceń, wąskimi spreadami i doskonałymi funkcjami wykresów i wskaźników technicznych.

I have been working with them since February - there have been no problems so far. They have a great mobile app for Android - FxPro markets. Very easy to use. It combines professional trading conditions with fast order execution, tight spreads and excellent charting and technical indicator features.
6 February 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: Portugal
6 February 2023
Approved reviewer
Bisher nur positive Eindrücke von FxPro

So far only positive impressions from FxPro
3 January 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: Germany
3 January 2023
Approved reviewer
Wann immer ich mich mit kleineren technischen Problemen befasse, ist ihr Helpdesk immer verfügbar und löst alle auftretenden Probleme schnell.

Whenever I deal with minor technical issues, their helpdesk is always available and quickly resolves any issues that arise.
3 January 2023
Approved reviewer
Location: Indonesia
3 January 2023
Approved reviewer
Od trzech lat nigdy nie mieliśmy do czynienia z brakiem wpłat lub opóźnieniami w wypłatach. Nigdy nie straciłem połączenia z serwerem. Wsparcie jest również niezłe. Pracują 24 godziny na dobę i odpowiadają dość szybko. Nie mam żadnych większych pretensji do brokera, póki wszystko jest ok.

For three years now, we have never experienced any missed payments or delayed withdrawals. I never lost connection to the server. The support is also nice. They work 24 hours a day and respond quite quickly. I don't have any major complaints against the broker as long as everything is fine.
21 December 2022
Verified reviewer
Location: Japan
Account types: MT4 (Instant, Standard)
21 December 2022
No Rating
Verified reviewer
Have not traded with them for a couple of years now. Initially liked their FXPro debit card which was discontinued. CS was good. No other details to share.
13 December 2022
Verified reviewer
Location: Thailand
Account types: MT4 (Instant, Standard)
13 December 2022
Verified reviewer
Overall good, but the spread is higher than some brokers.
2 December 2022
Approved reviewer
Location: Ukraine
2 December 2022
Approved reviewer
FxPro adalah broker dengan modal besar dan tepercaya yang menawarkan banyak opsi platform.

FxPro is a well-capitalized and trusted broker that offers many platform options.
2 December 2022
Approved reviewer
Location: Ukraine
2 December 2022
Approved reviewer
Tôi không có phàn nàn gì. Cũng giao dịch được một thời gian, tôi thấy dịch vụ bên này rất ổn áp.

I have no complaints. Having been trading for a while, I find the service here is very stable.
2 December 2022
Approved reviewer
Location: Ukraine
2 December 2022
Approved reviewer
Ich habe in der Vergangenheit verschiedene Broker verwendet und FxPro ist bei weitem der beste und zuverlässigste.

I have used various brokers in the past and FxPro is by far the best and most reliable.
30 November 2022
Approved reviewer
Location: France
30 November 2022
Approved reviewer
Je travaille avec eux depuis longtemps. Au début, il y avait des défaut, mais avec le temps, tout a été éliminé. Maintenant, je vend à peine mes mains – principalement par conseillers, tout fonctionne comme une horloge. De ce côté FxPro est l'un des meilleurs.

I have worked with them for a long time. At first there were flaws, but over time everything was eliminated. Now I barely sell my hands – mostly through advisors, everything works like clockwork. On this side FxPro is one of the best.
4 November 2022
Approved reviewer
Location: Poland
4 November 2022
Approved reviewer
Mogę śmiało polecić fxpro. To solidna firma.

I can confidently recommend fxpro. It's a solid company.
4 November 2022
Approved reviewer
Location: Ukraine
4 November 2022
Approved reviewer
Saya selalu mendengar hal-hal baik tentang FxPro dari teman-teman, tetapi saya harus mengakui bahwa saya terkesan ketika saya mulai bekerja dengan mereka.

I've always heard good things about FxPro from friends, but I have to admit that I was impressed when I started working with them.
We display the reviews we reject as spam or vote fraud. Not all rejected reviews are displayed, for example reviews advertising a website or service.

Account types user rating

MT4 (Instant, Standard) (110)
cTrader (99)
MT5 (79)
FxPro Edge (1)
Spread Betting (65)