Edytowane przez David Johnson
Zweryfikowane przez Evelina Laurinaityte
Osoba moderująca Jason Peterson
Ostatnia aktualizacja styczeń 2025
Informacja o reklamach ⇾


Challenge Account Size Promo Codes Evaluation Cost (Discounted) Profit Targets Max Daily Loss Max Total Loss Min. Profit Split Payout Frequency Platformy handlowe Tradable assets EA's Allowed

1 Step
(Hyper Growth Program)
10 000,00 $ 260,00 $ 0,00 $ 10% 3%
50% BiWeekly
Forex Indeksy Olej/Surowce energetyczne Kryptowaluty Metale

1 Step
(Hyper Growth Program)
20 000,00 $ 450,00 $ 0,00 $ 10% 3%
50% BiWeekly
Forex Indeksy Olej/Surowce energetyczne Kryptowaluty Metale

1 Step
(Hyper Growth Program)
40 000,00 $ 850,00 $ 0,00 $ 10% 3%
50% BiWeekly
Forex Indeksy Olej/Surowce energetyczne Kryptowaluty Metale

2 Step
(High Stakes)
5 000,00 $ 39,00 $ 0,00 $ 8% 5% 5%
From end of day highest
50% BiWeekly
Forex Indeksy Olej/Surowce energetyczne Kryptowaluty Metale

2 Step
(High Stakes)
10 000,00 $ 78,00 $ 0,00 $ 8% 5% 5%
From end of day highest
50% BiWeekly
Forex Indeksy Olej/Surowce energetyczne Kryptowaluty Metale

2 Step
(High Stakes)
20 000,00 $ 165,00 $ 0,00 $ 8% 5% 5%
From end of day highest
50% BiWeekly
Forex Indeksy Olej/Surowce energetyczne Kryptowaluty Metale

2 Step
(High Stakes)
60 000,00 $ 300,00 $ 0,00 $ 8% 5% 5%
From end of day highest
50% BiWeekly
Forex Indeksy Olej/Surowce energetyczne Kryptowaluty Metale

2 Step
(High Stakes)
100 000,00 $ 495,00 $ 0,00 $ 8% 5% 5%
From end of day highest
50% BiWeekly
Forex Indeksy Olej/Surowce energetyczne Kryptowaluty Metale

3 Step
100 000,00 $ 300,00 $ 0,00 $ 6% 6% 6% - 5%
50% BiWeekly
Forex Indeksy Olej/Surowce energetyczne Kryptowaluty Metale

3 Step
250 000,00 $ 575,00 $ 0,00 $ 6% 6% 6% - 5%
50% BiWeekly
Forex Indeksy Olej/Surowce energetyczne Kryptowaluty Metale

Evaluation Rules

For the most accurate and up-to-date rules please refer to the company's official terms and conditions along with their FAQ.

Rule Value Details
EA Usage Allowed (with restrictions) Permitted EAs must avoid: copy trading, tick scalping (seconds-long trades), latency/reverse/hedge arbitrage, and emulators. Strict ban on trade-copying EAs from external sources. Visible stop-loss orders mandatory - hidden SL orders ("stealth mode") prohibited. Violations lead to immediate account termination without refund.
Overnight/Weekend Holding Allowed Positions can be held through rollovers/weekends with trader responsibility for swap fees, volatility, and liquidity risks. Special Crude Oil warning: -20 swap nightly, escalating to -200 on weekends. Traders must account for potential spread widening during illiquid periods.
Copy Trading Allowed (with conditions) Self-copying between personal The5ers accounts permitted. Multiple Bootcamp accounts require distinct trading strategies - identical strategy replication across Bootcamp accounts prohibited. Third-party copy trading services strictly banned.
Trading Strategies N/A No specific strategy restrictions published - traders should consult official documentation for updates. However, strategies exploiting system inefficiencies (listed below) remain prohibited regardless of manual/EA execution.
Inactivity Not Allowed (30-day rule) Accounts automatically expire after 30 consecutive calendar days without new orders. No grace period - traders must execute at least one trade monthly to maintain active status. Expired accounts cannot be reactivated.
News Trading Allowed (with restrictions) Bracketing strategies (simultaneous buy/sell stops around news) prohibited across all programs. High Stakes program: New order execution blocked 2 minutes pre/post high-impact news (profits deleted if attempted). Existing positions can be held through news events.
IP Address Allowed (with restrictions) Multiple devices/IPs permitted within same geographic location. Concurrent logins from different regions prohibited (triggers security alerts). VPN/VPS allowed if consistently used from single location. The5ers monitors for suspicious IP patterns indicating account sharing.
Prohibited Practices Not Allowed Strict ban on: arbitrage strategies, HFT (<1s trades), system error exploitation, rollover scalping, tick scalping, third-party EAs without source code ownership, account sharing/reselling, and "pass your challenge" services. Includes one-directional gambling-style trading without analysis. Penalties include permanent bans and forfeited profits.
Trading Period Varies by Program Level 1 (all programs except High Stakes): Immediate completion upon profit target achievement. High Stakes: Minimum 3 profitable trading days required during evaluation phase, regardless of profit size per day.
Minimum Trading Days Varies by Program Standard Programs: Zero minimum days - complete Level 1 in single session if desired. High Stakes Exclusive: Requires 3 separate profitable days (consecutive or non-consecutive) with verified trades.
Misc. Rules Various No hidden fees except Bootcamp's two-phase payment: $100K account costs $95 upfront + $205 upon passing ($300 total). $250K account: $225 upfront + $350 later ($575 total). Visible stop-loss mandatory - SL must be platform-verifiable within 60 seconds of trade execution.

The 5%ers Opinie użytkowników

(0 )
Bez rankingu (Proprietary Trading Firm)

The 5%ers Profil

Nazwa Firmy Five Percent Online Ltd.
Kategorie Proprietary Trading Firm
Kategoria podstawowa Proprietary Trading Firm
Obsługa Klienta Oferowana w Językach język angielski
Instrumenty Transakcyjne Forex, Indeksy, Olej/Surowce energetyczne, Kryptowaluty, Metale

The 5%ers Opinie użytkowników

(0 )
Bez rankingu (Proprietary Trading Firm)

Najnowsze opinie użytkowników mają większy wpływ niż starsze opinie, a po ponad 5 latach opinie użytkowników nie mają żadnego wpływu. Im więcej opinii otrzyma firma, tym wyższa będzie maksymalna możliwa łączna ocena wystawiona przez użytkowników. Po uzyskaniu 100 recenzji firma może otrzymać najwyższą ocenę, która jest uśrednieniem ocen wystawionych przez użytkowników. >

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