Bank of Japan Governor Ueda is speaking today. Given the way Japanese economic data, including inflation, is moving, Ueda is like;ly to be coming more confident on near term rate hikes. He may also be coming under some pressure to do just that:

Also up is Australian GDP data:

Trump is on the agenda, addressing a join sitting of Congress, the 'State of the Union'.

Economic calendar in Asia 05 March 2025 2
  • This snapshot from the ForexLive economic data calendar, access it here.
  • The times in the left-most column are GMT.
  • The numbers in the right-most column are the 'prior' (previous month/quarter as the case may be) result. The number in the column next to that, where there is a number, is the consensus median expected.
  • I’ve noted data for New Zealand and Australia with text as the similarity of the little flags can sometimes be confusing.
Source: Forex Live