US January PCE core +2.6% vs +2.6% expected

Core PCE (excluding food & energy):
- Prior was +2.8%
- Core m/m +0.3% vs +0.3% exp (unrounded exp +0.27)
- Unrounded core PCE +0.156% vs +0.156% m/m prior
- PCE excluding food, energy and housing +% m/m vs +0.2% m/m prior
Headline PCE
- Headline PCE +2.5% y/y vs +2.5% expected
- Deflator +0.3% m/m vs +0.3% expected
- Unrounded headline +% vs +0.2557% m/m prior
Consumer spending and income for January:
- Personal income +0.9% vs +0.3% expected. Prior month +0.4%
- Personal spending -0.20% vs +0.1% expected. Prior month +0.7%
- Real personal spending -0.5% vs +0.4% prior
- Savings rate % vs 3.8% prior