Ditulis oleh Angelo Martins
Diedit oleh David Johnson
Fakta diperiksa oleh Evelina Laurinaityte
Dimoderasi oleh Jason Peterson
Terakhir diperbarui Februari 2025
Pengungkapan periklanan ⇾


Challenge Account Size Promo Codes Evaluation Cost (Discounted) Profit Targets Max Daily Loss Max Total Loss Min. Profit Split Payout Frequency Platform trading Tradable assets EA's Allowed
2 Step $5.000,00 $49,00
10% 5%
From end of day balance
From initial balance
75% BiWeekly
cTrader MT4 MT5
Valas Indeks Minyak / Energi Logam
2 Step $10.000,00 $99,00
10% 5%
From end of day balance
From initial balance
75% BiWeekly
cTrader MT4 MT5
Valas Indeks Minyak / Energi Logam
2 Step $25.000,00 $149,00
10% 5%
From end of day balance
From initial balance
75% BiWeekly
cTrader MT4 MT5
Valas Indeks Minyak / Energi Logam
2 Step $50.000,00 $289,00
10% 5%
From end of day balance
From initial balance
75% BiWeekly
cTrader MT4 MT5
Valas Indeks Minyak / Energi Logam
2 Step $100.000,00 $499,00
10% 5%
From end of day balance
From initial balance
75% BiWeekly
cTrader MT4 MT5
Valas Indeks Minyak / Energi Logam
2 Step $250.000,00 $1.249,00
10% 5%
From end of day balance
From initial balance
75% BiWeekly
cTrader MT4 MT5
Valas Indeks Minyak / Energi Logam
2 Step $500.000,00 $2.498,00
10% 5%
From end of day balance
From initial balance
75% BiWeekly
cTrader MT4 MT5
Valas Indeks Minyak / Energi Logam

Evaluation Rules

For the most accurate and up-to-date rules please refer to the company's official terms and conditions along with their FAQ.

Rule Value Details
EA Usage Allowed (with restrictions) EAs are allowed if you own the source code, they are not used for copy trading, and they do not cause hyperactivity (more than 3,000 server requests per day).
Overnight and Weekend Holding Allowed You can hold positions overnight and over the weekend. Be aware of potential market gaps and reduced liquidity.
Copy Trading Not Allowed Copy trading across multiple accounts is strictly forbidden and may lead to account disabling.
Trading Strategies Some Allowed, Some Restricted Martingale is not restricted. Scalping is likely restricted if it falls under "Exploiting Platform Inefficiencies" or "High-Frequency Trading." Hedging is allowed. HFT is not allowed during Evaluations.
Inactivity No Rule There is no specific policy mentioned regarding inactivity.
News Trading Allowed News trading is permitted. Exercise caution due to increased spreads and volatility.
IP Address/VPN/VPS No Rule There is no specific policy mentioned regarding IP addresses or VPN/VPS usage.
Prohibited Trading Practices/Gambling Policy Not Allowed Exploiting platform inefficiencies, insider trading, front-running, using third-party strategies to pass assessments, switching strategies inappropriately between assessment and funded phases, violating equity CFD restrictions, arbitrage, and any other activity deemed prohibited by IC Funded are not allowed.
Trading Period Unlimited There's no maximum time to reach the profit target.
Minimum Trading Days 5 Days Traders must actively trade on at least five different days and execute a minimum of five separate trades during their cycle.
Misc. Rules Various IC Funded will review a trader's activity before granting a funded account. Prohibited trading can lead to disqualification. IC Funded has the right to prevent any trader from participating in the program.

Ulasan pengguna IC Funded

(0 )
Tidak Diperingkatkan (Proprietary Trading Firm)

IC Funded Profil

Nama Perusahaan IC Funded Evaluations LTD
Kategori Proprietary Trading Firm
Kategori Utama Proprietary Trading Firm
Bahasa Dukungan Inggris
Metode Pendanaan Credit/Debit Card, Crypto wallets
Instrumen Keuangan Valas, Indeks, Minyak / Energi, Logam

IC Funded Traffic web

Data lalu lintas web kami bersumber dari SimilarWeb dan menjumlahkan data lalu lintas semua situs web yang terkait dengan broker. Kunjungan organik adalah kunjungan yang tidak dibayar oleh broker, berdasarkan data yang tersedia. Data ini diperbarui setiap bulan sekali dan dapat berdasarkan pada data yang dibeli dari penyedia layanan internet, metrik lalu lintas yang bersumber dari pihak ketiga seperti Google Analytics yang diputuskan perusahaan untuk dibagikan dengan SimilarWeb, dll.

Situs web
Kunjungan organik per bulan Di bawah 50.000
Peringkat traffic organik -
Kunjungan berbayar per bulan -
Total kunjungan per bulan Di bawah 50.000
Tingkat pantulan -
Halaman per kunjungan -
Durasi kunjungan rata-rata -

Ulasan pengguna IC Funded

(0 )
Tidak Diperingkatkan (Proprietary Trading Firm)

Nilai pengguna yang lebih baru memberi dampak lebih besar dibandingkan nilai lama. Nilai lama tidak berdampak setelah 5+ tahun. Makin banyak ulasan yang didapat perusahaan, makin besar nilai pengguna agregat maksimum yang bisa didapat. Setelah 100 ulasan, perusahaan bisa mendapatkan nilai tertinggi, yaitu rata-rata nilai pengguna perusahaan tersebut.

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